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Modifying Ohio Family Law Orders When Life Changes

When child custody and child support arrangements are determined, they are based on the current situations of the parties involved. However, as time passes and the situations of both parents change, it may be necessary to update those arrangements. At the law office of Amy M. Levine & Associates, Attorneys At Law, LLC, we work with individuals in Columbus and throughout Ohio to help them modify existing family law arrangements.

What Constitutes A Significant Change Of Circumstances?

In order to qualify for a modification of child custody and visitation or child support payments, you must be able to prove that you have experienced a significant change of circumstances or that the other parent has experienced a significant change. Significant changes can include:

If you think you may qualify for a child support modification, it’s important to continue paying the support amount you currently owe. Failing to pay your child support obligations (even if you think there has been a significant change in your circumstances) can put you in contempt of court.

Interested In Modifying Family Law Orders? We Can Help.

If you have questions about modifying your existing child custody or child support arrangements, it’s important to work with an experienced child support lawyer. To learn more about your legal options, contact our family law firm to schedule a free initial consultation. Our attorneys can be reached via our online contact form or by calling our Columbus office at 614-360-2942.